About Us

STEM Careers Programme?

STEM Careers Program is a joint venture of Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences (PIEAS) to inspire the potential youth of the nation to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Besides, STEM teams also represent Pakistan in International Science Olympiads (ISOs) in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics organized worldwide, exhibiting the country's natural talent in these competitions.

Latest News

Represent Pakistan at the International Science Olympiads – July 2026!

Represent Pakistan at the International Science Olympiads – July 2026!

The STEM Careers Program, a joint initiative of PIEAS and the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, invites talented students from Matric, O Levels, FSc Part 1, and A Levels Part 1 to participate in the National Science Talent Contest . This is your chance to proudly represent Pakistan in the International…

2nd Executive Committee held in HEC

2nd Executive Committee held in HEC

The second meeting of SCP Executive committee was held in Mural Hall HEC H-9, Islamabad on Feb. 6, 2025.. PD SCP presented the update on actions taken in response to the 1st Executive committee meeting and provided details on SCP current and future activities, Alumni integration and SCP Budget

Training Camp 2024

Training Camp 2024

The home institute has organized both online and in-person training for the top 50 students of NSTC, additionally engaging an international trainer to ensure optimal training outcomes for improved results in ISO.

STEM Alumni Podcast

Selection Process of National Teams

Step 1

Registration & Selection Process

Aggregate marks of 60% or more in core subjects ,i.e. Physics ,Chemistry ,Biology and Mathematics in last exam. Age less than 20 years at the time of participation in ISOs.

Step 2

Screening Test

Nationwide Screening Test conducts in the major cities .

Step 3

Shortlist for Training Camps

Top 50 students are invited for one week fully residential training camp in each of the NSTC subject on the basis of their performance in the Screening Test. The grooming/selection process gradually narrows down this number to 4-6 best students in each of these subjects.

Step 4

ISO’s (International Science Olympiads)

Olympiad teams of 4-6 students are selected through a series of subsequent training camps during a year for participation of International Science Olympiads to represent their country.

Step 5


Pakistan is regularly participating in the International Physics Olympiad since 2001, in the Mathematics Olympiad since 2005 and in the Biology and Chemistry Olympiad since 2006. The performances of Pakistani teams in these Olympiads have been quite encouraging.

STEM Careers Programme (STEM)

It has two fold mission








National Engineering Competition

National Engineering Robotics Contest

Design, Build, Fly Competition