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The International Biology Olympiad (IBO) is a competition for secondary school students. Their skills in tackling biological problems, and dealing with biological experiments are tested. Interest in biology, inventiveness, creativity and perseverance are necessary.
In bringing together gifted students, the IBO tries to challenge and stimulate these students to expand their talents and to promote their career as a scientist.
Each national delegation is made up of four student competitors plus two leaders, selected on a national level. Observers may also accompany a national team. The students compete as individuals, and must sit for intensive theoretical and laboratory examinations. For their efforts the students can be awarded gold, silver, or bronze medals or an honorable mention.
In Pakistan National Biology Talent Contest (NBTC) is one of the contests of National Science Talent Contest (NSTC) which are functioning under the umbrella of Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) Careers Programme. National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad is the Home Institution (HI) for Training/Selection Camps for National Biology Talent Contest. This competition is going on since 1989 and continues. Pakistani students have been participating regularly in International Biology Contest (IBO) since 2006 while earlier participation was as observer. The Coordinator of NBTC is Dr. Saeed Ahmed. PS NIBGI, Faisalabad.